Our Terms and Conditions
Please read the following Terms And Conditions and accept before applying for any course
- Trainees are required to bring along any of the following original/photocopy documents to be allowed to attend the course.
(a) IPA with Passport
(b) Work Permit / S Pass / Employment Pass
(c) NRIC / Passport - Upon registration, please ensure the participant attends the class. The full course fee will be imposed if the participant does not attend the class without prior notice. There will be no refund STRICTLY.
- Participants are reminded to be in class on time. Latecomers are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED into the class.
- If a trainee does not understand the language in which the course is conducted, he/she will not be allowed to attend the course strictly. The course fee is still applicable as this is considered as last minute cancellation. Kindly register the trainees only for the language which they understand.
- Results will not be uploaded to the MOM website, if the trainee is registered for the course with the passport number. Once you have the trainee’s work permit number from MOM, please provide it to us so that we can upload the result to the MOM website.
- A written request should be made, for all the requests for cancellation of course, change of course date/participant/course language/course/company name. An administrative fee of $30 or 10% of the course fee per participant, whichever is higher, is applicable for such requests.
- Any refund requests for the payments made by eNETS/ Nets/ Credit Card will attract an additional 5% administrative fee.
- AKC reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course within a short notice period due to unforeseen circumstances.
- A certificate of completion and/or Safety Card will be issued to participants who fulfill the following conditions:
(a) Fulfill course attendance requirements.
(b) Passed all the course assessments.
(c) Course fee is fully paid.
(d) For Company-registered courses, participants are allowed to pay and collect their cert/card with additional fees, if the company does not wish to pay the course fee. - Participants are required to inform us in writing within 2 working days, from the course date with supporting documents or medical certificates, of the absence due to medical or compassionate grounds.
SSG Training Grant eligibility criteria:
(i) Training should be fully sponsored by companies registered or incorporated in Singapore.
(ii) Trainee must be a Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR).
(iii) The trainee must pass all the course assessments.
(iv) There should be an employer-employee relationship and CPF contribution for employer-sponsored trainees during the course period.
(v) Payment should be made by the Company’s Cheque or via GIRO within 60 calendar days from the course run end date.
Please take note that the payments, made by other modes such as Credit card, internet banking, and NETS will attract 5% admin fees, if it is required to be refunded, due to any reasons. AKC reserves the right to bill the full course fee to the company if the participant fails in the course assessment if the course fee is not paid within 60 calendar days from the course run end date, or if there is no employer-employee relationship and CPF contribution for employer-sponsored trainees during the course period.
The card and/or certificate, of the participants who have successfully passed the course, should be collected within 6 months from the course end date. The uncollected cards and certificates will be destroyed without any notice, after 6 months from the course end date. An admin fee of $30 per card/certificate is applicable to reprint the card/certificate, which was already destroyed.
- Participants must wear safety boots if need to attend any practical session. Participants must be properly attired. No singlets/shorts/Bermuda. If trainees do not wear the safety boots, they will not be allowed to attend the course and there will be no refund.*
- For any Practical training, the Participant/s and the Participant/s’ Employer/s warrant and undertake that the Participant/s is/are in good health and condition and well-rested, or if not, will voluntarily withdraw from Practical training.
- Exclusion of Liability and Indemnity: The Participant/s and the Participant/s’ Employer/s warrant and undertake that the Participant/s is/are participating in any Practical training, entirely at the Participant/s’ risk/s and undertake to indemnify AKC against any claims.
Marketing Terms & Conditions Related to SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
1. Compliance with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Marketing Guidelines
1.1 For avoidance of doubt, AKC does not use any SSG or SkillsFuture logos in Advertisements.
1.2 For avoidance of doubt, AKC does not use the term “SkillsFuture Approved” in Advertisements.
1.3 For avoidance of doubt, AKC courses are not advertised or represented as:
- “Funded” or similar unless they are SSG-Funded Courses.
- “Accredited” or similar unless they hold Accredited Course Status.
2. Advertisement Requirements
2.1 For avoidance of doubt, key administrative details as required by SSG are listed below:
- ACRA-registered name: Absolute Kinetics Consultancy Pte Ltd;
- UEN / ACRA registration number: 200102574Z;
- Registered or Listed Course title as approved by SSG;
- Registered or Listed Course reference number assigned by SSG;
- Registered or Listed Course duration as approved by SSG;
- Full course fees, including nett fees payable after applicable SSG subsidies (excluding SkillsFuture Credit);
- Period during which SSG subsidies apply (if applicable);
- Mode of training (e.g., classroom, blended, e-learning).
Learners may refer to AKC’s full course listing for further details (https://www.sg-akc.com/forms/).
2.2 Learners may access the full T&Cs via an embedded working link within AKC advertisements.
2.3 Course titles appearing in Advertisements and certificates match those approved by SSG.
3. Responsibilities & Restrictions
3.1 AKC remains committed and accountable for all Advertisements, including those published by third parties on AKC’s behalf.
3.2 Advertisements do not imply / state that SkillsFuture Credit is applicable only to AKC courses.
3.3 Advertisements do not imply / state AKC courses / products as “free,” “paid by the government,” “paid by SSG,” or wordings with similar effect.
3.4 Unless explicitly permitted by SSG, AKC’s advertisements do not imply / state the following:
- Provide referral awards or rewards;
- Conduct lucky draws;
- Provide gifts or vouchers;
- Use similar incentives to persuade course sign-ups.
3.5 AKC does not reference SSG incentives in advertisements unless explicitly allowed by SSG.
3.6 AKC does not use misleading Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) survey-related data to encourage sign-ups.
3.7 The advertisements do not use superlative or exaggerated claims, such as “guaranteed success in life” or “most demanded course in Singapore.”
3.8 The advertisements do not claim to secure employment opportunities for Trainees.
4. Enforcement & Compliance
4.1 AKC reserves the right to refuse or remove any Advertisement that does not comply with these Terms & Conditions.
4.2 AKC reserves the right to modify these Terms & Conditions as required to ensure ongoing compliance with SSG regulations.
Contact Us
Absolute Kinetics Consultancy
64 Hillview Terrace
Singapore 669277
(+65) 66905555
(+65) 66905566
Terms of Service apply.
Effective Date: 01 January 2024