supervisor level

Supervise Marine Work for Workplace Safety and Health

The Supervise Marine Work for Workplace Safety and Health

Supervise Marine Work for WSH

For enquiries, please reach out to, or contact us at 6690 5555.

Course Details

Supervise Marine Work for Workplace Safety and Health

Course Overview

Supervise Marine Work for WSH enables the WSH Coordinator or Supervisor to acquire the knowledge and be equipped with the application skills to supervise WSH in the marine industry.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to:

  • Explain and interpret salient WSH legislations and other requirements relevant to the marine industry
  • Describe the WSH duties and responsibilities of a supervisor in the marine industry
  • Conduct a briefing on shipyard general safety and explain the Vessel Safety Coordination Committee and Permit-to-Work procedure to shipyard workers and contractors
  • Identify WSH hazards, evaluate and control risks in the marine industry under the risk management process
  • Carry out WSH inspections by the organizational inspection procedure
  • Conduct an incident investigation and prepare a report on legal and other organizational requirements


Learners are assumed to:
Possess Employability Skills (ES) Literacy and Numeracy (WPLN) Level 4 and above, or equivalent

Learning Units:

  • Importance of WSH
  • Consequences of unsafe work practices and workplace conditions
  • Salient WSH legal and other requirements relevant to the marine industry
  • WSH Regulations
  • Overview of the WSH management system
  • WSH duties and responsibilities of supervisor in the marine industry
  • Shipyard General safety
  • Vessel Safety Coordination Committee
  • Risk Management process
  • Permit-to-work system for high-risk works in the marine industry
  • Typical shipbuilding and ship repairing activities
  • Typical WSH hazards in the Marine Industry
  • WSH control measures
  • Methods for hazard identification
  • Organizational WSH inspections
  • Incident investigation and reporting

Certifications Granted:

WSQ (SOA) Statement of Attainment (e-certificate) will be issued for the courses conducted in English only.

Additional Details:

Course Code:

Please click here for the Nett fees with SSG Training Grant for the Singaporean and Singapore PR learners.

Legal Requirement:
WSH (Shipbuilding and Ship Repairing) Reg 2008:
6(8) – It shall be the duty of every person not to oversee or supervise any work (including any process) in a shipyard or on board a ship in the harbor unless he has received adequate safety and health training to ensure that the work he oversees or supervises can be carried out safely.

Last Updated: 29/09/2024
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