bizSAFE Level 2 Course | Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan

The bizSAFE Level 2 Course also known as Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan

bizsafe Level 2 Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan

For enquiries, please reach out to, or contact us at 6690 5555.

Course Details

bizSAFE Level 2 Course | Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan

Course Overview

DRMIP | bizSAFE Level 2 | Develop A Risk Management Implementation Plan, will ensure that participants will become Risk Management Champions, equipped to reduce workplace risks and achieve bizSAFE Level 2 recognition from the WSH Council. The course covers developing a practical risk management plan, forming a risk management team, assessing, controlling, and communicating risks, and ensuring compliance with the Risk Management Code of Practice. 

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to:

  • Verify the expectations of a Risk Management (ROM) Champion/RM team leader.
  • Form a Risk Management Team.
  • Establish Hazard Identification Methodology.
  • Establish Risk Assessment Methodology.
  • Establish Risk Control Measures Methodology.
  • Develop a Workplace Risk management plan.
  • Present the Risk Management Plan.
  • Communicate the identified hazards, risk evaluated, and implemented risk control measures.


Before beginning this course, it’s essential to have the following:

  • Skills and knowledge that the individual is recommended to possess before taking up the unit to confidently undertake the unit and to be successful subsequently on the job
  • Have an in-depth knowledge of their organizational products/services
  • Have an in-depth knowledge of sources of workplace hazards
  • ESS Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Level 5 and above.

Certifications Granted:

WSQ (SOA) Statement of Attainment (e-certificate) will be issued for the courses conducted in English only.

Additional Details:

Course Code:

Please click here for the Nett fees with SSG Training Grant for the Singaporean and Singapore PR learners.

Participants can earn 9 PDU Points by attending the course. They must provide their PE number on the Trainee Attendance List on the course date.

The e-certificate will display the Technical Skills & Competencies (TSC) title, Workplace Safety and Health Control Measures, while the safety card will feature the Competency Unit title, Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan.

Exam Format:

Written Assessment (held during the final session).
Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan. Trainees who fail to submit their plan by the deadline will be graded as NYC (Not Yet Competent).
Oral Questioning. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the oral questioning session, where assessors will review their written assessment and Risk Management Plan to help them achieve 100% competency.
Please note: Trainees who fail to complete Part 1 or Part 2 will automatically receive an NYC grade.

Participants are strongly advised to review the pre-course reading materials listed below before attending the course.

SGSecure Guide for Workplace
Protective Security Advisory for Premises
Contingency Planning Advisory for Premises

Last Updated: 28/09/2024
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