supervisor level

Supervise Construction Work for WSH | BCSS Course

Formerly known as

BCSS Course | Building Construction Supervisors Safety Course

BCSS Course

For enquiries, please reach out to, or contact us at 6690 5555.

Course Details

BCSS Course | Building Construction Supervisors Safety Course | Supervise Construction Work for WSH

Course Overview

The Supervise Construction Work for WSH Course (SCWWSH), previously known as the Building Construction Safety Supervisors Safety Course (BCSS Course), is specifically designed for individuals pursuing leadership roles in safety supervision, equipping them with essential knowledge and application skills to effectively manage workplace safety and health. The curriculum focuses on identifying common hazards and risks, and implementing appropriate control measures, making it a vital training module for WSH Coordinators or Supervisors stepping into supervisory roles in the construction sector.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to:

  • Explain and interpret salient WSH legislations and other requirements relevant to the construction industry.
  • Describe the WSH duties and responsibilities of a supervisor in the construction industry.
  • Assist in safety and health planning and organization at worksite.
  • Identify WSH hazards, evaluate and control risks in the construction industry by risk management process.
  • Carry out WSH inspections by organizational inspection procedures.
  • Conduct an incident investigation and prepare a report in accordance with legal requirements and other organizational requirements.


Before beginning this course, it’s essential to have the following:

  • Learners are expected to be 18 years old and above.
  • Recommended for the trainee to achieve WSQ ESS Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Level 4.

Learning Units:

  • Importance of Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) 
  • Consequences of unsafe work practices and workplace conditions 
  • Salient WSH legal and other requirements relevant to construction industry 
  • WSH (Construction) Regulations
  • Overview of WSH management system
  • WSH duties and responsibilities of supervisor in the construction industry
  • Safety and health planning and organization
  • Risk management process
  • Typical construction activities
  • Permit-to-work for high-risk construction works
  • Typical WSH hazards
  • WSH control measures
  • Methods for hazards identification
  • Types of organizational WSH inspections
  • Incident investigation and reporting

Certifications Granted:

WSQ (SOA) Statement of Attainment (e-certificate) will be issued for the courses conducted in English only.

Additional Details:

Course Codes:

English – TGS-2022013037
Mandarin – TGS-2022013019

Please click here for the Nett fees with SSG Training Grant for the Singaporean and Singapore PR learners.

Please note that we will contact the trainees via email or phone to collect the feedback after the course completion

Medium of Instruction:
English, Mandarin.

Facilitator and Learner ratio – 1:25

Assessment Methods:
Written Assessment (MCQ) – 120 mins, Case Study – 120 mins

Passing criteria:
Written Assessment – 65% & above
Case Study – 65% & above for each case study

Trainees with 100% attendance will only be allowed to sit for the test. Late comers are strictly not allowed into the class

Last Updated: 29/09/2024
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